Friday, 9 January 2009

Adventures in the Dreamworld

For the past four months I have been more focused on sleeping than ever before. Talking the truth however it wasn’t sleeping I focused on but dreaming while sleeping and although I have not given enough time to sleep, my attention on dreaming has been so far a great and interesting journey. I only wish that I had the courage to sleep more...
It happened in September when it was time to get in touch with an old yet new friend. We haven’t met since, not in person in this dream we all call reality. Sometimes I sensed that we managed to meet up in the realms of the dream world. My focus is ever so dim, I am never truly sure.
During these months of dreaming, during these months with attention on dreaming I have among other things conquered my fear of death. Many a times now for the past 25 years, ever since I am aware what it means if someone, something dies, I have struggled with a concept in my dreams. Trying to hide, to run, to defend a small vessel of life in the vast emptiness. It was always there and within, there wasn’t anywhere to hide. Not indefinitely. At long last I turned and faced this demon and he, it came to be nothing else than an advising ally.
Couple of nights back I managed to – maybe only temporarily but anyway – heal myself during a dream. For four days or so a worsening toothache has been troubling me and despite the increasing dosages of painkillers it was steadily getting worst to the level of being unbearable. I knew I would have to make a dentist appointment to see a doctor before the previously agreed time three weeks away. Instead, I went to sleep with intent to find some healing remedy, relief from this pain.
The next morning I woke feeling perfectly fine. Not a mention of trouble since. I am aware I may have just bought time but if I got three weeks than that is enough for now. My dentist will tell how well the remedy from the dreamworld has worked.
Couple of months ago I also rediscovered the city in my dreams in which I have spent years lost in the subway system. Only on rare occasions I managed to venture to the surface back then. These times I don’t need the subway tunnels to get about, to get lost anymore. On some occasions I managed to find people from whom I could learn, ask for advice.
Many books on occult, new age and ancient stuff refer to this place. Naturally we all see it differently. It is in a reality with far less strict rules of appearance. But it is there nevertheless. Wonderfully, it is known to all although it is rare one would realise this place isn’t merely a dream but a place to go and seek advice, assistance from others while once there, giving some to someone else.
I rediscovered the market place for instance which is a wonderful place crowded with creatures and people but never uncomfortable. ‘Dream with intent and confidence!’ Don Juan told Carlos Castaneda at some point. Regardless if he existed even in our plane I take the advice. Maybe lacking still confidence in myself to be completely successful.
In a most recent dream I have been in the outskirts of the city, on the hinges of reality not quite disconnected from this world but slightly away still. I wasn’t aware of anybody walking with me although it isn’t uncommon these days to have company in my dreams. A guide and another ally, perhaps a friend. I had my rattles with me and my intention was to find a good spot to dance honouring my allies.
The neighbourhood was unfamiliar and I felt slightly lost, disappointed that I could not find my way out from this industrial estate. Walking up to fenced off train tracks I perhaps smelled the sea or for some other reason I decided to climb over the fence and cross the tracks. On the other side at the end of a slight slope across a quiet road I saw finally what I was looking for. Woods and meadow and beyond them the coast. I recognised the shore. I remembered further up the coast a spot where a boat house is. From there one can go out on the sea to discover the coast line. There are wonderful small islands, huge rocks standing tall and some caves the sea crafted eons ago. Last time we went out it was late autumn. There was some snow on the ground at the time. There is no snow now although I am a bit chilled and don’t want to waste any more time but get down and across the woods finding a nice grassy patch to dance on. I move quickly, I feel my time is running out.
I make my way across the woods, it is a familiar place, and not the first time I’m here. To my greatest surprise I find a centre of shamanic practices built among the trees since the last time I have been these parts. It’s packed with people I have to make my way through to get to my destination. They are engaged in all kind of activates. Some are chatting looking up at the new comer with a welcoming smile. I see a man preparing his drum and a woman dressed in a wonderful yet simple white dress shaking a rattle gently. They all seem to be eager to exchange talk but I am overwhelmed. I have a mission and it has not occurred to me that I should change my purpose. I rush my way through the centre and the woods leaving them behind somewhat puzzled.
I finally arrive and despite the pressing time I begin to dance. I enjoy it. I enjoy the connection with the spirit guide and a chance to enhance that connection. I get more and more involved reaching a state of near trance but shortly I realise I must go. My alarm goes off and I wake.
I woke with a sense of achievement and stupidity in the same time but only hours later when my dream pops into my conscious I realise why. They, whoever they might have been, have come before me to meet. Wanting to provide me with a chance to take guiding help in learning. My intent of honouring sacrifice it seems was in itself sufficient to awake a connection with whom I was meant to meet that night.