Tuesday, 1 April 2008


Late spring about a year ago one weekend Jen was away so Lili and I had the weekend to share, just the two of us. I thought this would be an excellent opportunity to experiment with food that we normally don’t get to eat often. Things such as mushroom and fish was on the menu, types of food that we normally don’t prepare.

We went down to the local store with Lili, got in some ingredients and on the way home we were chatting about all kind of things. We haven’t mentioned the food just purchased. Climbing the steps to our third floor flat quietly, both of us tired from the walk and carrying the bags I started thinking how we will make some excellent lunch from the kilo mushroom we bought at a bargain price. I was thinking how I would fry it up with onions and some spices when Lili just burst out loud ‘but I don’t like onions!’ I followed my instinct and continued the conversation as if it hasn’t started in thoughts, as if it was normal to read someone’s mind.

In October 2007 before Lili started in Day Care we went for a couple of hours visit together. When showed around we also peeped into the hall. An overwhelming feeling of entering a church hall almost knocked me off my feet. It was so strong that I can still feel it when thinking back. Few days later, when Lili has started at the day care, she also has been taken to the hall for gym. When recounting the events of the day at home she mentioned that she has been to the church. That has shocked us because we opted out from religious teaching for her. When she elaborated on the experience, it came to light that she had been in the hall, doing gym.

Most recently, such thing happened regarding our imaginary dragon. At work I was thinking up what story I will be telling about this creature in my blog dedicated to it. In the story I thought up he came to work with me that day. Somewhat later, at home, while I was still at work Lili was looking for Tobi but couldn’t find it. Normally she would find any imaginary thing within no time, or would accept it being offered to her by someone (after all it is imaginary). This day it wasn’t the case.

There has been many occasions in our life when such events have taken place, the above mentioned are only some examples. It is fascinating to think that two people can share so much of their thoughts, impressions and emotions without really trying or consciously intending to do so. Just doing it. When giving it a thought I must admit that this is a connection that potentially could exist between all of us. We may even have been aware of it some time back but I must think since the time of organized urban civilization began, we have gradually phased this out. Modern thinkers gradually came to argue that there is a deeper connection between all of us. I should expect that the ‘link’ a sense of special connection that exist between my daughter and me is something that in fact is normal.

I believe that all of us have such connection, everyone will find at least one other person in their lives to whom the have such link. But one should always remember the need to be receptive to notice things. Shamanism is a way of living, an outlook that broadens one’s horizons and yes, with that will introduce the mysteries, the unexplainable. Why not, in response to them should we engage in a journey of discovery? Step by step, experience how everything in the world is linked, mangled together in an infinite web of silk and do it with intent of the being, rather than exercise of the intellect. The infinite complexity of the universe, created by innumerable living and non living beings which on the first glimpse appear to be insignificant individually, is an invite for a journey the will never end and has never begun but just is, in all of us.

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