Tuesday, 1 April 2008

on synchronicity ...

Spring has come to northern Finland. About a week and a couple of weeks ago the snow began to melt rapidly, the weather turned warm. Since the melting, spring has halted but one can feel that winter is slowly giving in, giving space for the circle of life.

Two weeks before the sudden warm and melting began I noticed a difference in the air, in everything around me. I eventually identified it to be the birds. Their songs just started to be different. Their began to sang with a positive sound in their voice, embracing already the coming of the spring. I thought what I could hear into this bird noise was merely just wishful thinking. After all, spring will have to come eventually and I may have been just desperate for signs.

One could argue always…

I was at the dentist recently. I knew for some time that I should go but didn’t and eventually I had no choice. I did not bother picking up the phone to get an appointment somewhere. My finnish skills are nowhere near good enough to make me confidant speaking on the phone. So I went around speaking to receptionist face to face. In Finnish. Should this have happened a week earlier I may have been in serious discomfort us I would not have known how to explain myself at the doctor, in Finnish. I only learned this a couple of day before my toothache kicked in!

Shamanic path promotes the attention to this seeming coincidences in life. Sinchronicities. Events will organise themselves. One can hope and aim to influence this organising process in positive manners calling for the aid of spirits not of this world. Many call it prayer.

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